SBI Merger Queries & Answers: State bank of India merged 5 associate banks on 1st April 2017. and now all users of these associate banks are merged with SBI, all the customers who have net banking in associates banks can login net banking at SBI net banking site and manage there accounts easily. SBI Merger Queries & Answers for SBH, SBP, SBM, SBT, SBBJ Customers. Merger of Associate Banks with SBI Probable Questionnaires on INB for Contact Centre Agents for Report Level Merger (Announcement of Merger). There are many queries asked by customers after merger so here we provide complete solution for that queries…please check solutions from below….
SBI Merger Queries & Answers for SBH, SBP, SBM, SBT, SBBJ Customers
Name of Associate banks merged with SBI
- State bank of Bikaner and Jaipur (SBBJ)
- State Bank of Hyderabad (SBH)
- State Bank of Patiala (SBP)
- State Bank of Mysore (SBM)
- State Bank of Travancore (SBT)
Personal Banking FAQs
(I) Associate Bank Net Banking Users
1. I am a customer and net banking user of SBH/SBP/SBM/SBT/SBBJ. In view of merger of my Bank with SBI, shall I need to register afresh or can I login with the net banking username and password provided to me earlier?
Answer – There is no need to register afresh for availing net banking services of SBI i.e. the merged bank. You can login with the same username and login password for logging into OnlineSBI.
2. After merger of my bank with SBI, what will be the URL or website address for availing net banking services?
The website address after merger of your bank (SBH/SBP/SBM/SBT/SBBJ) with State Bank of India will be
3. Can I avail the same net banking facilities of my bank (SBBJ/SBP/SBT/SBS/SBM) after merger with SBI?
The net banking features of Associate Banks are almost similar to State Bank of India. After merger, you will be able to use all the facilities as it is.
4. Do I need to register my mobile number afresh again in OnlineSBI after merger of my bank with SBI?
There is no need to register your mobile number afresh after merger of your bank with SBI.
5. Whether the third party beneficiaries (Interbank/Intrabank/International/IMPS) added by me in my net banking account previously, will be available in OnlineSBI after merger of my bank with SBI?
Yes, the third party beneficiaries added and approved by you earlier will be available.
6. After merger, am I required to register my email ID in OnlineSBI afresh for availing e-Statement facility?
It is not required to register your email ID afresh in OnlineSBI.
7. I have registered many billers in my net banking account prior to merger. Whether it is required to register the same billers again in OnlineSBI after merger?
The same billers already registered by you will be available in OnlineSBI even after merger of your bank with SBI.
8. I have set standing instructions/scheduled bill payments in my net banking account prior to merger. What will happen to those standing instructions?
Even after merger of your bank with SBI, the standing instructions set earlier by you, will be executed on the due dates. There is no need to cancel those standing instructions.
9. My bank has been merged with SBI and now I am unable to access OnlineSBI with the old username and login password?
Username and Password are case sensitive. If still you are unable to login, please lodge a complaint in CMS.
10. What are the changes in service charges for AB’s customers after Merger?
Yes, there is a change in NEFT/ RTGS charges. Service charges as applicable for SBI customers will be applicable for customers of Associate Banks, after data level merger.
11. Will there be any interbank charges for fund transfer between State Bank Associate and SBI through IMPS?
No. After merger, no transaction charges will be applicable as these transactions are intra-bank transactions i.e. within SBI.
12. I want to add existing SBI account as third party as beneficiary.
For the time being, You have to add the existing SBI account as beneficiary under GRPT/NEFT/RTGS category till the date of data merger which will be notified in due course. If you add the exiting SBI account as GRPT beneficiary, no funds transfer charges will be recovered.
13. I want to add my friend’s bank account in erstwhile AB also having my account, as third party.
Yes, you can do it under “Within my own Bank” link.
14. I want to make funds transfer to existing SBI or other ABs account.
Use GRPT option which will be available upto the date of data level merger of first Associate Bank, no charges will be recovered for using this option.
15. Can I go for resetting of passwords (login/profile) with any SBI branch?
After data level merger, you will be able to do so. Till such time your erstwhile bank branches will serve you.
16. Can I open Fixed deposit / RD accounts offered by my erstwhile Bank?
Yes. For the time being, you will be able to use the FD/RD products of your erstwhile bank. After data level merger, FD/RD products as applicable for State Bank of India will be available for opening using net banking.
17. Which bank I need to select while making merchant payment like ticket booking, e-commerce etc?
You need to choose your erstwhile bank name till further notice.
18. Can I use the “New PPF account application” link for opening a PPF account with any SBI branch?
After few days i.e. after data level merger, you will be able to do so. Till such time your erstwhile bank branches can serve you.
(II) SBI Net Banking Users
1. In my net banking account, I have added few third party beneficiaries holding account in associate banks of SBI? After merger, do I need to add those beneficiaries afresh under Intrabank Beneficiary category or no action is required at my end?
After merger of Associate Banks with SBI, the beneficiaries added by you under State Bank Group Transfer will continue to be available in the system and no action is required by you. The GRPT charges will be waived from the date of Report Level Merger.
SBI Secure OTP App Queries & Solutions
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